The Scottish Wica
In the 1950s Gerald Gardner met Charles Clark. Both shared a common interest in magical matters and they soon became friends. Gardner was eager to promote the Witch Cult and ensure its survival. Charles set about helping Gerald with this by spreading the Craft of the Wica in Scotland. Consequently, by the early 1960s, there were about twenty members in Scotland and Covens in Saltcoats, Glasgow and Perth, with a possible two further ones at Fife and Edinburgh.
The Perth Coven was run by two fairly well-known members of the Scottish Wica; Monique (Olwen) and Campbell 'Scotty' Wilson (Loic), both of whom were originally initiated by Charles Clark. The Wilson's proved to be highly influential as they subsequently initiated Raymond Buckland, who took the Craft to the USA.
Monique ultimately inherited the Witchcraft Museum from Gardner following his death. A situation that upset Charles as he was convinced the Wilson had manipulated Gerald into changing his Will late in the day. Previously, Charles believed that the Isle of Man Witchcraft Museum was to have been left to him and Lois Pearson/Bourne/Hemmings to oversee but when it comes to people-politics, things change.

Read an article about Gardner, the Wilson's and the Scottish Wica.
You can find a News of the World article (April 2nd late 1960s) about the Wilson's here.
The Wilson's gave an interview which appeared in the Sunday Mail on the 17th September 1961. Read it here.
Shortly after Gardner's death, there were disagreements between various High Priestesses. One argument revolved around Monique declaring herself to be the Queen of all the Witches, a title she claimed to have been left in Gardner's Will (copies of Gardner's Will reveals this to be untrue.) A Hush Hush (October 1964) article about this declaration and subsequent disagreement can be found here and another article about this, from the Daily Mirror (March 6th 1964) can be found here and one from the Daily Mail October 1st 1964 here.
'Witchcraft -- What Really Goes On' - an article that mentions Monique Wilson - (Daily Express March 7th 1964)
Following Gardner's death, Monique Marie Mauricette Wilson (nee Arnoux) went on to inherit the Isle of Man Museum from him. You can find an article which appeared in the Evening Standard (19th September 1964) about this here.
You can find an article about the Wilson's and a couple of other Witches, from the Observer (1st December 1968) here.
You can find a Calgary Herald article (October 26th 1967) about the Wilson's here.
Read a wonderful article from The National Geographic Society magazine (Volume 142, No. 3, September 1972), about the Isle Of Man and its people, including a section on the Wilson's. (Thanks to Athena)
In 1973, after running the Witchcraft Museum on the Isle of Man for nearly 10 years, the Wilson's decided to sell most of its contents to Ripley's in the USA. Subsequently, they emigrated to Spain. Articles from the Manx Star and the Isle Of Man Courier about this event can be found here: Manx Star and Isle of Man Courier (January 1973)
Some of the remaining Items from Gardner's museum collection, used to be available online to buy from here: archived version of the 'unique and precious' website. I have managed to save some snippets from its Gardner Sales catalogue here.
You can read an article by Morgan Davies, owner of geraldgardner.com, about Monique Wilson and Gardner's estate here.
There is a page about Monique Wilson, partially in French here.
